
These are my socio-political ramblings. If you agree with me, seek professional help. If you disagree with me…tough; either way, feel free to comment. The pictures below are circa 1959, 2010, and 1976, respectively.

3 thoughts on “About

  1. I am a curmudgeon that lives east of Cleveland, Ohio. These are my opinions; take what you like and leave the rest.

    Feel free to comment on any of my ramblings, but if you send all or part of my words to anyone, give me the credit and include my blog address.

  2. Great stuff, “Gene”. You need to link to other sites like DailyKos, MyDD, Huffington Post, Media Matters, Talking Points Memo, Crooks and Liars, etc. Cross-post on the sites that allow it and get readers, dammit. This stuff is as good as I read on these others and deserves an audience of like-minded-left-wing-cranks . . . Like me!

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